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We are a 'Outdoor adventuring / lifelong learning' mashupWe welcome you to Join other like-minded people as we embrace the rigors and exhilaration of hiking, rucking (hiking with weighted pack), adventuring, and discussing ideas & books. We welcome creative mental meanderings.
We are a non-profit organization. Our FREE programs includeSt Louis area hikes: We will have local hiking events each month, primarily in Forest park, but will sample other areas Lifelong learning: Book discussions and Conferences: All varieties of books and ideas. We will use a mix of zoom meetings and in-person sessions (and of course we will discuss books and ideas while we hike) Adventure discussions (online and in-person): We discuss adventures of all kinds and provide tips on how to get the most out your adventures You can find more about our "Parent" organization here
We operate with donations. Those who support Medallion with a $50/year subscription are referred to as 'Fellows.'You can support Medallion as a Fellow here By becoming a Fellow you join a constructive and engaged community of like-minded people.
Medallion Fellows can join other Fellows on a variety of DIY trips includingColorado trip: Our signature event is an annual weekend trip to Colorado. For those interested, we will try to summit a 14er (a peak higher than 14,000 feet). Grand Canyon trip - Five day trip with three days hiking/camping: Day 1: Air/car travel to South Rim; Day 2: Leave at sunrise to hike South Kaibab trail to Phantom Ranch and camp at Bright Angel Campground, Day 3: Hike to Havasupai garden campsite, Day 4 hike Bright Angel trail to Rim, Day 5 Head home. Camp Innsbrook: Participate in the Adventure challenge Many other adventures and trips You can learn more about Fellow trips here.
Who should become MembersPeople who love exploration and who wish to advance their adventure and growth mindset. We seek a happy combination of hiking/rucking, sharing ideas, and socializing.
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